Meet my[fi]
Turn Your [fi] into My[fi]

- Could manage their own money, but simply lack the time and expertise it takes to make the best decision in a changing world and prefer professional advice over a “do it yourself financial planning spreadsheet”. They want a greater understanding on their probability for staying on-course for the future.
- Have worked to accumulate a meaningful amount of assets and have come to a point in their lives where major financial mis-steps are not an option for securing their future.
- Who are already working with other advisor(s) but were seeking a change. They were either wanting to be heard; did not want to be placed in a cookie cutter solution; or required a fuller scope of planning advice.

Watch this short video to see the my[fi] personal financial dashboard
Take control of your entire financial world with a unified dashboard that interfaces directly with us – your advisors.
My[fi] is the foundation of our client relationships. Integrating into our financial planning and portfolio management software, my[fi] keeps us on the same page and working towards the same goal: your [financial independence].
We work to help you plan, manage and forecast your financial future so you can use your money as a tool to find flexibility and freedom in your life. Data-driven answers to life’s challenging financial questions are just a call away. Sometimes it’s not even a financial question, it’s just a life question that will have a financial impact – we talk through those, too.

My[fi] meets you where you are – check your plan on the go, sitting in bed, or on your desktop.
Define Your
[Financial Independence]

The Markets are Non-Partisan
In the past, we’ve written about market noise and its emotional impact on...
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Remembering Charlie Munger + 2024 Updates
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A Blog Look Back
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Facts and Stats on Bear Markets
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Sometimes You Need to Take the Bad with the Good
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