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The Markets are Non-Partisan
In the past, we’ve written about market noise and its emotional impact on investors’ psyche and more importantly behavior. Whether it’s about fear of recession, satisfaction with the direction of the country or what will the fed do with interest rates, the range of...
Remembering Charlie Munger + 2024 Updates
As we begin the second month of 2024, we at Defined Wealth Management find it important to reflect on the past not only as a point of reflection but also from a personal and firm introspection. To paraphrase a famous quote by Albert Einstein, you can’t do the same...
A Blog Look Back
Our blog in October 2022 discussed the market noise of a declared bear market and its impact on the investor psyche. In that post we discussed the definition of a bear market and possible causes (and listed the post bear markets performance of the S&P 500). The point of our blog then was to ask the question: should we stay invested when the market is experiencing such volatility as a bear market. Investors who make buy or sell decisions based on emotion due to short term events, often leads to poorer outcomes.
Facts and Stats on Bear Markets
Long term statistics remind us that “time in the market” is what counts and not “timing the market”. When zooming out from the current market cycle and taking in some perspective from previous bear markets (and your financial plan’s probability of success!), making emotional decisions regarding your financial well being can cause tremendous long-term harm.
Sometimes You Need to Take the Bad with the Good
Sometimes You Need to Take the Bad with the Good – This cliché is typically used as an acknowledgement that “nothing is perfect”. Nothing could be truer when it comes to acknowledging the benefits of investing over time; you must accept the bad (short term market volatility) with the good (better returns over the long term). These types of markets are challenging to sit through, but they’re also why we believe so passionately in helping our clients develop a plan…
De[fi]ned Family Is Growing
We Are Growing! When we formed De[fi]ned Wealth Management, it was really a business in the making for over the last 36 years. We’ve had two major goals from the outset: 1. Help clients achieve their [financial independence] and 2. Be the last firm our...

De[fi]ned Wealth Management is a unique and modern full-service independent wealth management firm and fiduciary. We work with clients so they can discover, plan, manage and achieve their financial independence.