The Markets are Non-Partisan

In the past, we’ve written about market noise and its emotional impact on investors’ psyche and more importantly behavior. Whether it’s about fear of recession, satisfaction with the direction of the country or what will the fed do with interest rates, the range of...

A Blog Look Back

Our blog in October 2022 discussed the market noise of a declared bear market and its impact on the investor psyche. In that post we discussed the definition of a bear market and possible causes (and listed the post bear markets performance of the S&P 500). The...

2020 New Year’s Resolutions

Happy New Year! We hope you and your family had a great holiday season and that the year ahead in 2020 brings great things. Starting the new year seems to always include preparing a list of resolutions that you aspire to accomplish. The question remains, how diligent...

A Tale of Two Investors

It was the best of times; it was the worst of times. No, I’m not referring to the classic Charles Dickens novel, A Tale of Two Cities.  I am speaking of the volatile nature of the investment markets over the past two quarters and its impact on the Tale of Two...